Our many ministries witness to God's love for all people. We show witness by helping those in need, building community within and outside our parish, and evangelizing our faith. As children of God we must let our light shine for all to see and hear. Below is a list of our ministries that we welcome you to be a part of at our parish.

Art and Environment

Our hands do the work of the Lord

Our Lady of Peace Art & Environment ministry is a group of parishioners working together under the direction of the Pastor to enhance and beautify worship space in the church, as well as the church's campus. Many talented hands are needed to transform the sanctuary for Christmas and Easter with flowers. Beautiful banners and displays of fabric and art are created for each liturgical season, special feast days, and parish celebrations. We welcome new members who can offer their design gifts and talent to our parish. Their careful attention to details ensures our worship space is always beautiful and appropriately decorated.
Please contact Leslie Bertram at [email protected] or 630.464.4926.

Bereavement Ministry

Bereavement Ministry is the Hand of God working its way to the weeping Heart

During the difficult time of losing a loved one, our parish bereavement ministry provides comfort and warmth to the family. The service of each minister involves meeting with the family to help plan the funeral Mass and coordinate with the parish priests and staff. This ministry requires initial training with Dc. Larry Fudacz and the Pastor. If you feel you are being called to offer support to grieving families please reach out to Dc. Larry at [email protected] or 630.323.4333 X104.

Blood Drive Ministry

When you donate blood you are giving Hope

Every day, patients in your community need blood transfusions to survive and thrive. They rely on the generosity of donors like you, who help ensure a safe, healthy blood supply.  Our Lady of Peace has partnered with the City of Darien and hosted on campus blood drive events for over 45 years. We host 2-3 blood drive events each year. If you are interested in volunteering for this important ministry please contact Rosemarie Courtney at [email protected] or 630.964.8415.

Catholic Moms Group

Our mission is to revive the vocation of motherhood, as a call from God. We welcome moms with children 16 and under. The Moms group meets twice a month at the parish and offers a time to pray, socialize, and learn about our Catholic faith. We discuss how we can incorporate what we learn into the lives of our children.

We are on a mission to remind mothers that their primary duty is to pray with their children, pray for their children and to teach their children to pray. Mothers are entrusted with the sacred duty of passing down the Catholic faith. We turn to Our Lady, Mary the Mother of God as our model and intercessor.

For more information, please contact Kim Sliwinski at [email protected]

Collection Counting Ministry

Volunteers do not always have the time, but they have the heart

Each week, rain or shine, ice or snow, our teams of dedicated parishioners commit their time to carefully and accurately process our Sunday collection. They open, sort, add, bundle, and reconcile the collection to report the weekly donations accurately. God has called all to be good stewards of parish funds and safeguard them throughout the counting process. In addition, each counter receives training to follow Parish and Diocesan financial guideline with great confidentiality and responsibility. If you have strong skills in accounting, organization or procedures and would like to become a part of this important ministry please contact the parish office at 630.323.4333.

O Come Let Us Adore Him

Eucharistic Adoration is held every Friday from 8:30am-7:00pm.

The Eucharist is exposed Monday – Saturday after the 7:30am Mass while together we pray either the Chaplet of Divine Mercy or the Holy Rosary.

Approximately every other month Our Lady of Peace hosts “Eucharistic Encounter” – an intimate encounter with our Eucharistic Lord.  Through worship, meditation and praise, accompanied by beautiful music, we open our hearts to Jesus, disposing ourselves to His abundant Grace.  The hour concludes with “touching the hem of His garment”  - a grace filled moment when individuals approach the Altar for private prayer and blessing by Jesus, truly present in the Blessed Sacrament.

Every time we look at the Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, our place in Heaven is raised forever! St. Gertrude the Great (1256-1302)

For more information or to become a registered adorer, please contact Diane Ray [email protected] or 630.323.4333 x102

Deacon Paul Food Pantry

Through Compassion, Support and Faith help feed our neighbors with dignity and end hunger

Our Food Pantry Ministry goal is to improve the well-being of our neighbors by providing reliable access to nutritious food in welcoming environments through the generosity of volunteers, parishioners and community partnerships. Every Wednesday morning from 7:00 am - 10:00 am

We serve families in the surrounding communities with groceries and personal care items.

We welcome new volunteers to join our team and continue to work towards a future without hunger. If you would like to volunteer or are in need of food assistance, please contact Trish Gurtner at [email protected] or call the parish office at 630.323.4333.

Dignity of Life Ministry

God creates every person for eternal union with Himself, Every person is chosen

The Dignity of Life ministry exists to uphold the sanctity and dignity of all human life from conception to natural death. As Pope John Paul II wrote "We need to bring the Gospel of life to the heart of every man and woman and to make it penetrate every part of society (Evangelium vitae 80). Our goal is, therefore, to help you integrate the Respect Life message into the very life of your parish, school, or ministry." Through education, advocacy, and prayer, this ministry works to protect and nurture human life at every stage of its existence. With the utmost dedication, our volunteers organize and participate in the 40 days for Life campaign that aims to end abortion through prayer and fasting, community outreach, and a peaceful all-day vigil. We support local Pro-Life organizations that provide counseling, parenting workshops, financial assistance, and post-abortion healing. The Dignity of Life ministry has grounded their work in prayer as it is their most powerful resource. If you would like to join this beautiful ministry please contact Nancy Smyth at 630.254.1966.

Donut Sunday

Our Donut Sunday ministry provides a chance to enjoy fellowship one Sunday a month, at the parish, before and after Mass from 9:00 am - noon. Donuts and coffee are complimentary and all are welcome to join us to engage with your fellow parishioners. If you would like to join our Donut Sunday ministry please contact the parish office at 630-323-4333. Please see the parish web calendar for Donut Sunday dates and locations.

Healing Ministry

Our Healing Ministry mission is to bring greater freedom to God's children through the authority of Jesus Christ. We offer prayer by listening to the Holy Spirit and following His direction with the expectation that God desires to heal. Prayer Teams are available to pray with individuals on Friday evening in the church Marian Chapel. You may also schedule a session with our prayer teams. Please see the parish web calendar for specific dates and times. If you would like to become a part of the ministry team and learn more about the Encounter School of Ministries https://encounterschool.org/ please contact Sue Duffy at 630-740-2248 or email [email protected].

Eucharistic Apostles of the Divine Mercy

Divine Mercy Cenacle

Established at OLOP in 2015 our purpose is to spread the message of mercy, the truth of the Real Presence in the Eucharist, and to live the Divine Mercy message based on a deeper trust in God. We immerse ourselves in the study of Scripture and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. We pray daily for all souls in purgatory and on earth and perform Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy. We meet twice a month in the evening. Please contact the EADM Facilitator: Kim LiCavoli (cell) 630.433.8707 (email) [email protected] for more information.

Eucharistic Minister 

Eucharistic Ministers prayerfully serve the people of Our Lady of Peace by distributing the Body and Blood of Christ during Eucharistic celebrations. Those who choose not to receive the Eucharist are welcomed with a blessing.

Eucharistic Ministers make the communion rite take place in a timely fashion.  This is not a matter of efficiency, but recognition that its meaning cannot be separated from our experience of it in the ritual.  When “going to communion” takes a long time, and we are not sharing a meal with our brothers and sisters, then the communion rite loses its association with the Eucharistic prayer and the breaking of the bread.  The number of Eucharistic ministers is based on the number of communicants at Mass.  Eucharistic Ministers also assist in bring the Eucharist to the homebound and to those in nursing homes.  If you would like to learn more about becoming a Eucharistic Minister please contact Deacon Frank Vonesh at [email protected] 

Friday Night Film

Our Friday Night Film team brings enjoyable Christian films and films of the Catholic Faith, Lives of the Saints, and educational documentaries to the Parish and surrounding communities. Our mission is that through fellowship we can assist in building a loving community with our families and fellow parishioners and to bring all closer to God. By encouraging our brothers and sisters to know and strengthen their faith, they can then love their faith! Films for adults, young adults and youth. Admission and refreshments are always free, and everyone is welcome.

We gather one Friday evening per month. Please contact Kim LiCavoli (cell) 630.433.8707 (email) [email protected] for more information.

Greeter & Usher Ministry

Welcome one another, then, as Christ welcomed you, for the glory of God ( Romans 15:7)

In the Old Testament, ushers and greeters were called "gatekeepers". Their ministry was so important that they were given living quarters in the temple. Members of this ministry reflect the warmth and welcome of Christ himself as they share the love and joy of their faith. In addtion, they help us prepare for worship as we enter the church by creating a quiet and reverent atmosphere. By assuring a welcoming presence and orderly environment at Mass, they enhance the beauty of the Litrugy and become an instrument through whom God may be present to those in worship. Each volunteer commits to being punctual, humble, gracious, kind, available, faithful and most of all prayerful. Greeters and ushers serve as representatives of the faith community in welcoming parishioners and visitors at weekend Masses and special events. If you are interested in becoming a greeter please contact Pat Charnas at 630.341.1782 or Deb Sarrao at 630.963.3998. If you are interested in becoming an usher please conatct the parish office at 630.323.4333.

Grief Support Group  

When a loved one dies, we are wounded.  Just as a wound does, we need to heal from within, to express our thoughts and feelings.  A support group is a safe place where you can talk, cry, and share your feelings with those who care and understand.  This support group is a six-week program open to all Christian adults who have lost a loved one due to death.

The program is spiritually based with prayers and scripture readings regarding grief and the healing process.  Most importantly, participants are encouraged to share their thoughts, feelings and emotions regarding their personal grief experiences.  All discussions are kept confidential.

The group meets once a week in the evening for six weeks in the parish center.                      There are two sessions per year – one in the Fall and one in the Spring.  

For more information, please contact Deacon Frank Vonesh at [email protected] 

Knights of Columbus

Mayslake Council #4053

Our Mission is that together, were empowering Catholic men to live their faith at home, in their parish, at work and in their community. The council meets once a month. All men of the parish are welcome to join See the parish web calendar for meeting dates and times and contact information.

Lector of the Word

Lovers of the Word, Breathing Life into Scripture

Between the text of the scripture and the parishioners stand the Lector, communicating the Word of God so that its life-giving message may touch our hearts. Each lector is an instrument through which the Holy Spirit speaks to bring the written words to life. It takes prayerful preparation to serve as a lector. Lectors are dedicated parishioners who are truly called to help us understand the scriptures which draw us closer to God and contributes to the Celebration of the Mass. For more information or to become a lector contact Dc. Frank Vonesh at 708.793.505 cell or email at [email protected].

Legion of Mary

Do you want to learn more about the Catholic Faith?
Do you want to enrich your prayer life?
Do you want to grow closer to Jesus and his Mother?

The primary purpose of this ministry is to bring people to Jesus Christ through the imitation of the virtues of Mary. The Legion strives to increase the faith and holiness of its members.  Meetings are held every Thursday at 1:30 pm in the parish center.

If you are interested in joining our ministry please contact Sue at 630.863.5509.

Men's Group - That Man is You

This ministry is an interactive men's program focused on the development of male leadership in the modern world. It combines the best research from science with the teachings of the Catholic faith and the wisdom of the saints to develop the vision of authentic men capable of transforming themselves, their families and greater society. The program is divided into two 13 weeks sessions. Please contact Pete Beronio at [email protected] for more information and how to join this ministry.

Minister of Care

The most important Medicine is Love and Care - Mother Teresa

The Ministry of Care is one of the oldest ministries in Christianity. As Catholics, we are called by Jesus to serve those in need. Reaching out beyond the Church walls allows the ministers to show love, support, and comfort for the elderly or sick during a challenging time in their life. Ministers of Care bring prayer, presence, and the Eucharist to the homebound each week. Praying together and offering companionship assure the person and their family that our priests and parish community are with them always.  We ask that each minister hold the gifts of empathy, compassion, and a gentle demeanor, they also receive focused training through the Diocese to prepare them for this very special ministry. If you feel you are being called to this ministry please contact Dc. Pat Kenny at [email protected] or call the parish office at 630.323.4333.

Morning Rosary Group

All are welcome to join our Monday - Saturday morning Rosary Group. Praying the Rosary begins immediately after the completion of Benediction at Morning mass. Morning Mass begins at 7:30 am.

Religious Education Catechist

Faith Formation is more than a subject to be taught, it is an invitation to a way of life

The role of a catechist is so important that Pope Francis established the Lay Ministry of Catechist in the Catholic Church to recognize the laymen and women who feel called by virtue of their baptism to cooperate in the work of catechesis. Catechists not only teach about the catholic faith and doctrine, but they also share ways in which God has been present in their own lives. Our team of teachers and aides allows our children to light up and see their faith as relevant, fun and meaningful. We welcome new volunteers to our program each year. For more information or to volunteer please contact [email protected] or call 630.986.9430.

Sacristan Ministry

Sacristans are volunteers responsible for the care of the altar lines, replenishing of the Holy Water and maintaining cleanliness of the sanctuary. If you would like to be a part of this important ministry, please contact the parish office at 630.986.8430.

St. Teresa of Calcutta Prayer group

Please join us as we gather on Wednesday evenings to unite in prayer.  The needs of this world, our country and our parish are great.  As we gather in prayer, we will pray for all these needs and many more.  Each week we will pray the rosary, as well as pray for the needs of our parish community and its parishioners.  Please join us as we share the gift of prayer. All are welcome.

We meet every Wednesday evening at 6:30 p.m.  in the church in the back Marian Chapel. 

For questions or information please contact
Debi Kenny:     630.569.6621 or email  [email protected]
Dc Pat Kenny:  708.567.5788 or email  [email protected]


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