Our Lady of Peace
Parish Center Project

2023 Capital Campaign

Dear family,

We have much to be thankful for at Our Lady of Peace. Our parish has a rich history of worship, prayer, evangelization, service, and community for over sixty-four years. Our welcoming campus is where we live the intense presence of God and many of life's most important experiences. Our beautiful Church provides an intimate prayerful worship setting where we can encounter our Lord at Holy Mass. It is a blessing to be your parish administrator and witness daily how our community of missionary disciples lives out the Church's mission. 

Over the past two years, we have worked closely with the Diocese of Joliet to complete a comprehensive planning process to ensure our parish thrives for many generations. We asked you, our parishioners, to share your ideas and opinions of what you want OLP to be moving forward. Your voice and prayers guided us through this process that identified building a new parish center, in our former gymnasium, as our priority. With excitement and enthusiasm, we begin the next steps in our journey to create this new fellowship space, so we may continue to minister and serve the needs of the parish.  

‍As we plan for the future and grow our parish community,  the time has come to embark on a capital campaign to raise $2,000,000 for our new parish center. A successful campaign will allow us to create a beautiful new center that includes a lobby and reception space, a functional service area for hosting catered events, new accessible washrooms with family facilities, a performance stage with new technology for speakers and entertainment, and new energy efficient boilers and air handlers.

Project Renderings

Our Lady of Peace Parish
"Continuing a Legacy of Faith”
Capital Campaign Prayer

Heavenly Father,

We ask You to bless our parish center capital campaign.
We desire the renewal of our parish not only through the conversion of our hearts, but in the transformation of the very buildings whereby we are formed and nourished in Your love and mercy. Anoint our efforts with generosity and a sense of gratitude for being able to participate in Your saving work through the offering of our time, talent, and treasure.

We ask this in the name of Jesus,
Your Son and Our Lord. Amen.