10 events found.
Parish Center Room 110https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#search/beformed/FMfcgzQXKhHQHsWNFVfRDQbjKzBlgCJB?projector=1&messagePartId=0.1
Legion of Mary
Parish Center Bldg Room 110Eucharistic Adoration
Church 701 Plainfield Rd, Darien, United StatesO Come Let Us Adore Him Eucharistic Adoration is held every Friday from 8:30am-7:00pm.The Eucharistic is exposed Monday – Saturday after the 7:30am Mass while together we pray either the Chaplet…
Healing Ministry – Prayer Team
Church Hall - Basementhttps://olopdarien.org/ministry-directory/#Encounter_Healing_Ministry
That Man is You
Church HallSt. Joseph Table
Church HallFollowing the 5pm Mass Procession of St. Joseph from Church to the Church Hall (Basement) where there will be a blessing of the table, prayers, refreshments and talks about St.…
Salvation Class
Parish Center Room 110Email Dcn Pat Kenny with any questions and to register pkenny@olopdarien.org